You Drink alot of Coffee for a Teenager.

..... Hello, my name is Karly. - I am anything but simple.

I am not a writer, I'm just a girl who is starting a blog. In which no one will read. WAIT.. I shouldn't say "no one" by chance you might skim through this. but, pay little attention. And that's okay. It will not be all that interesting anyway.

I am going jump all over the place, have run on sentences ( I tend to ramble), talk in the third person, try to' sound' intelligent - when really seeming to be uneducated. Write about something completely irrelevant - just because on that day, I felt it was relevant. Scratch that, everything IS relevant if you think it is. At one time or another.

sdkjghskfdhgooehrjfbkjdf;aknmxckkndsf;n;hoiao;giudf!!!!! Maybe, for a first blog I should tell about myself.. follow the crowd. Yes, I said "crowd." Ah, I won't. Another day.

Today, I decided to listen to John Mayer's new album; Battle Studies! It's honestly great. I will never deny my love for John Mayer. Check out the song Who Says.

Check you later,

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