They Call Me; Karly

Approx. 3 days ago at 4:40pm an extreme boredom came across me.. which forced me to write a Facebook note... yes! A Threadless T-Shirt designer befriended me on Facebook.. this is how I found the 'note'... It said to list 25 facts about yourself, and tag 25 of your friends/people you want to know more about... Well, I of course thought it would be a great accomplishment if I could get through the whole thing.. and actually post it. I did..... I unfortunately couldn't bring myself to tag certain people I have a great interest in. - Oh well... here it is. I think I'll change some of them though...

1. If I say I love you and we don't even know each other.. I defiantly mean it. I have a lot of love to share.
2. I make bets with myself.... it's a problem, really.
3. I used to care more about Christmas.
4. I used to care more about Politics.
5. I think I pierced my nose three years ago because I 'thought' made me look cool. I do still love it..
6. I walked in the door at least ninety minutes ago and I still have my jacket, hat and scarf on.
7. too many of these sentences start with 'I' and that makes me a little uncomfortable, but I'm only finishing this to see if I can.
8. when I was a kid I thought I was a Christian, then as a teenager I thought I was an atheist - now I'm not so sure. but, I'm okay with not having everything quite figured out just yet.
9. sorry, but all this Vampire craze is ridiculous. They even have "My Heart Belongs to a Vampire" T-Shirts.
10. At work I think it's fun to see how many things I can carry at once.
11. I've got a thing for middle names..
12. I don't believe in New Year's resolutions.
13. ...but, I still feel like I should probably go to school sometime.
14. I absolutely refuse to answer the telephone unless I am positive it's for me.
15. for some reason I'm shy at work and with most new faces, so when I'm with my close friends I get really antsy and turn into a twelve-year-old child. It gets out of control.
16. I wouldn't mind leaving the country for a while. In fact..... even longer then "a while".
17. I adore John Mayer and always have. I don't care what you think -
18. This one time I woke up drunk, with a sore head, bruises and cuts.. Only to find out I fell into Danny's bathtub - it all came down on top of me. I also peed on a floor. Fuck my life?
19. Hats are my favorite item of clothing... I'm starting a collection.
20. there are a lot of people I wish I could hang out with more. chances are, if you're reading this you're one of them. (no one is reading this)
21. I spend too much time thinking about time travel. - how great it would be.
22. I learned at a very young age that skateboarding is not much like riding a bike. And skiing is not like sledding.
23. I have yet to get my license. Its an issue - When I finally get the courage.. I'll drive all over the world.
24. somewhere in me, there is an artist. I'm convinced I'll find her someday.
25. I want to travel, take beautiful photographs... experience it all.


PS. My hair is not that yellow... infact it's not at all. Just throwing that in there.

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